Monday, 2 January 2012

2012- Welcome and God Bless

First, welcome to the new year!

God bless everyone in their efforts to move forrward in life and realize and embrace the important parts of you and your life relationships.

Not to get all philosophical but here are some things i suggest we may look at for this year.

  • Have a thankful spirit and attitude
  • Have a generous outlook on life and think of someone other than yourself each day (maybe do a good deed)
  • Thank God for your blessings- (While we all have challenges, God blesses us daily in ways we don't even realize)
  • Don't sweat the small stuff - The big stuff is challenging enough
  • Love those who are important to you and let them know regularily
  • Smile and have a good laugh (it is truly good for the soul)
  • Get a good nights sleep!
  • Be silly now and then, it's ok
So now that i have said my thoughts, I wish all those who read this peace, success in your endeavours (spelled the Canadian way), and good health and many blessings going forward.

Thanks for taking the time to read my words.
