Saturday, 23 February 2013

Big Brother Canada

Good Saturday morning everyone, 7am ET here

I am looking forward to Big Brother Canada starting in less than one week.

I have viewed the cast and some look interesting.

First, you can never tell the personalities until you see them interacting with each other.

Second, will the geeks in the group be able to be socially open, we will see.

Ian in BB14 from the U.S. was successful in breaching that divide.

Will there be a Dan in this Canadian edition, possibly, but hopefully there won't be too many wannabees.

As the shows continue, i will blog about the events of the week and when i watch the live feeds, i will give my comments on those as well.

FYI, loving Survivor so far this season.

Have a good Saturday everyone!

Monday, 18 February 2013

Family day in Ontario.

While some just look at this as a day off, so do i.

I appreciate my family, but i don't really need a day to celebrate them.

That being said, enjoy your day off whether Family day, or Presidents Day in the United States.

Listening to some podcasts, relaxing with a hot cup of coffee (P.S. if you want to bribe me, offer me a good cup of coffee, lol).

A few random comments:

1) I love my Samsung Galaxy S3 Phone, so much fun

2) Winter is my least favorite season, (if i could enact a law, Winter would be exiled to Siberia).

3) Yes, i eat tasty junk food when i am feeling in a down mood, and i thoroughly enjoy it when i am doing it (not so much afterwards).

4) I am supposed to take an exam soon, but every fiber of my being is resisting studying!!

5) How many computers/ipads (or tablets) or smartphones do you own?  Scary, but i have 2 laptops, 1 tablet, 1 smartphone...Maybe i will see if i can use all three at the same time (is there a world record for this???)

6) Gilligan's island is still fun to watch

7) I have the Greatest American Hero on DVD, hello 1980's!

That's it, thats all for now, have a great day off everyone!

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Hope and sunshine

Hello friends.

Good Sunday to all.

Today i woke and honestly, it was hard to get up and moving.

After a hot cup of coffee, i started to feel the blessings which i have been given by God.

The blessings were always there, but sometimes i forget.

I looked outside and although the temperature is still cold, this morning seemed different, alive with hope and spirit and the sun shone down showing up an open door to hope.

I haven't attended a physical church in some time (my issues of man made religion really), but i have found a church from Nashville, Tennessee which i find offers love to the loveless, hope to the hopeless and God to the Godless.

I will be watching the Pastor this morning, hearing God speaking through him, and If it is Pete Wilson, it will be in his unique and welcoming style.  I applaud this church for seeing each person as a child of God and reaches out in different ways for each of us.

Honestly, truth, light and Hope are at Crosspoint Live .  Sundays are a lot of fun watching the Pastors and speakers at this church.

Ok, I am off to see what comes next.

Be well everyone.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Cold..and reflective

Hello, before i start, i will say i hope everyone is well.

Today, now, i sit in my reclining chair, working on my computer, playing with my android cellphone, watching netflix,...

I feel a little empty.

It is cold outside and very snowy, i feel a sense of sadness as i feel i am not reaching my potential.

That is in many categories, spiritual, emotional, financial, real, break down the walls of honest reflection.

It is scary and liberating.

I feel both at the same time, fear and freedom.

I know God loves me, yet i still am human and fear the unknown.

I as a man am expected to be strong always, masculine mostly and these expectations are unclear at best.

My beliefs include openness and honesty of self and with others, compassion and love.  I know there is more than what i have now, and no i am not talking about a new car, new house...etc.

I seek a freedom that allows my truth (whatever that may be) to be ok with me, and with others.

I seek a God who loves me unconditionally- and he does.

I ask my friends and my fellow humans to know i am flawed but i have good intents.

I thank those who have inspired me, i wish to do the same for at least one other.

People who judge, i feel they should look at themselves first before looking at others.

I am hopeful and hopeless all in one thought.

This life we lead is open to so many directions, i thank those who have guided me when i needed guidance, who have chastised me when i needed that, i thank God for protecting me from my failings, i thank those who show me how to be happy when they have little of material means.

We should all look inside and outside for the hope we need, and we all need hope.

Thank you for reading my words, and please be well.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Superbowl is on now.

Looks like the Ravens will take this..I'll edit this if it

***Edit..49ers just recovered a fumble and the score is 28-20 Baltimore..yikes

SF just got a field 28-23

Ok, the 49ers made a good run to the end but the final score Baltimore 34, San Fran 31...It became a very good game...

Had too many chicken wings but they were so good, cooked them myself.

Tomorrow i will get very strict with the eating, i hope you do as well.

Spring will be here before you know it.

Watched groundhog day the movie again today, sooo good..Andie's character is such a sweetheart in this movie.

Back to work tomorrow, busy week ahead, i hope the snow stops, it is a royal pain to drive in it.

Be well, God Bless and talk soon.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Feb2nd, 2013.

I am in the Niagara region, Canada and it snowed last night and now we have just under a foot of snow on the ground.  I will shovel it if necessary, but My brother-in-law has a machine which can plow and he said he would be up later, so i am relaxing in my living room, blogging to you now.

I am not a fan of winter in general, so spring, please come soon!

This was a stressful week at work, i was sick one day, i spun out in my car on my way to work another day but the week ended strong with fixing some issues and getting home safely.

I am glad feb is here because that means spring is not that far behind.

Now, i am starting a new approach to living, Balance 101, exercise 20 minutes each day and eat healthy (limited portions of meat, no junk, vegetables, fruit, some nuts, and vitamins).

The plan is to take off some winter weight and get into good shape for the spring and summer.

No fad diets, no nonsense extreme exercise, just hard work, eating properly and common sense.  The other thing is to allow a treat every 2 weeks of something like an ice cream cone or a dessert with whipped cream.

I hope that we all realize life should be appreciated and our health should be respected (something i have many times forgotten).

Be well, be happy and until next blog...Later!

Saturday, 26 January 2013

January 2013, Hi everyone.

I haven't been blogging as often as I would like, but let's see what I can do to change all that.

I hope you all are doing well.

I have been a TV Reality fan for years and most notably Big Brother is my show of choice.

Lately, I have been watching Survivor and the most recent season was very entertaining.  I found some interesting people who actually were entertaining, but also had something to say during their adventures.  3 people Mike Skupin, Jonathan Penner, and Lisa Whelchel who you may have known from an old TV show called The Facts of Life.

There were other in the season which were fun, but these three had character in that they were real at times during the show where others maybe not so much.  They talked about relationships, spirituality and life's challenges, i.e. having a difficult childhood.

I think that this taught me something in my older age now.

It taught me to appreciate each day as you never know what tomorrow will bring.

In 2013, I intend to thank God for each day I wake up, to take time to more appreciate the world and to not be as pessimistic as I sometimes can be.  Also, be thankful, I have to remind myself to be appreciative of this life.

I found an entertaining podcast to watch so I can laugh about my Reality tv, Rob Cestrinino and his wife Nicole have a podcast about Reality tv which tends to draw in people to think about the humour, the way people think and just being real.  I will do all that and more.

Have a good day everyone and God bless!