Friday, 26 December 2014

Food- The Journey (Part 2)

Hello again.

Once again, I thank you for taking time to read my blog.

In this Part 2, of my Journey with food, I will talk about the food message I perceived from the world over the mid period of my life.

During my 20's through 40's I worked hard in my career, but never grasped the need to eat properly, or even exercise.

The world over the past 30 years has progressively increased the food promotion through all media, print (very small), radio (some impact), television (large impact), and now internet and social media (far reaching).

These messages were mainly from fast food companies who were in our ears and eyes telling us how important a burger, fries, shake, children's toy, or many of the other marketing messages they wanted to convey.  In addition, they tried to spin all this by saying it would make our lives better and I bought into this nonsense.

I went out to restaurants, went to the movies, ate the garbage they sold, and then got mad at myself for gaining weight and couldn't figure out why.  Not only did I get mad at myself, it impacted my happiness.

My happiness is my responsibility, yes.  Their responsibility it seemed was to sell their product, and make money and as long as it was allowed by law, they had no true community to concern themselves about.

I am rambling on a bit, so let me clarify.  The food that is sold should have at least a base of health consideration and we as a consumer should be able to understand what we are buying is healthy or not.  The food that is sold is addictive in nature and we were sold a bill of goods and that is why a large part of the population got fatter over the past few decades.

I am responsible for me, but the impact food had on my life should never have happened.  Government is also at fault in their research of agriculture and how industry sold food to us.

Now we are finally getting truth about the harm products with sugar, carbohydrates, and other food additives are causing us as a population and yet industry is spending billions of dollars fighting changes in regulation.

I was personally affected by the food that was sold, and so were a great many others and it needs to stop.  It is told to us that if we just ate less and exercised more that we would be okay.  Then they removed fat from almost every food product and added sugar to make up for the taste that was taken out of food when the fat was removed.

We as a community need to care about the food we buy and speak with our dollars and stop buying the food which is causing illness and obesity.  This is something I will be writing about more in the next part, as well as some of the health care professionals who are talking about a better way to eat.  We need food companies to start selling better quality products which are not full of sugar instead of processed garbage and those of us who consume this garbage need to express our dissatisfaction to these companies.  It can't be all about money, it should be about us as well.

Thanks for reading my rant, now back to our regularly scheduled blog.

Here are a couple of websites talking about good quality diet and food.

See you soon.


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