Sunday 7 December 2014

Food and You

The journey in life includes what you eat and how that food works to help or harm you.

Over the past months, I have been experimenting on what food does to me and how I feel about it.

First, I had some weight to lose and that was my primary motivation.

Second, I was very concerned with the impact on my health.

I am not a medical professional and I always recommend you talk with your doctor before beginning any changes to your diet/exercise.

I will be posting on this topic going forward, but for today, here are some personal observations.

1) Quality of food is very important.

2) Quantity of food should be monitored, but if you eat healthy real food, your body will give you a signal to stop eating.

3) A calorie is not just a calorie.

4) The food you eat contributes 70-80 percent of how you sculpt your body.

5) Exercise compliments the efforts you make in controlling the food you intake.

6) While there are some general important concepts in improving your habits, there are many ways to customize the path that each individual will take to get where they need to be.

7) Patience and commitment to whatever method you choose is important.

8) When you stumble, and you will stumble, get up, and start back on that path you have set for yourself.  Don't beat yourself up for the backstep, just understand you are human and continue to move forward.

9) Your supporters will be there for you as long as you are honest with yourself and with them.

Each week, I will write more and I my hope is that if I impact even one person, then I will feel good about expressing these thoughts.

Be well.

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