Tuesday 24 May 2011

Salt, or not to salt, that is the question

Good tuesday everyone.

Can we discuss salt intake.  I have been aware for a while, that we as a whole, we ingest way too much salt.  I must admit that i love salt, but i suspect it is affecting my health.  I add salt to most foods and enjoy it immensely.  I have been working to reduce the additional salt in my foods.

To do that, i have started using fresh ground pepper, garlic, cumin, paprika and other spices.

The reason i decided to write about that today is Jillian Michaels.  She did a podcast today talking about salt and i agree with her point of view.  We have so much salt in our diets which makes us hold on to water and this forces the heart to work harder to combat this.

I have high blood pressure and take meds to combat this, so i will be trying hard over the next few weeks to not add more salt to my foods and get flavour from natural ingredients aside from salt.

I want to be healthier.  I am also starting to walk every day for at least 10-15 minutes, preferably 30 minutes or more.

I wish good health to everyone and hope that i can improve my health as well.

Have a good day!

Monday 16 May 2011

What about friendship?

Good Monday everyone.

Let's start off the week by smiling to at least one person today and say hello to someone you do not know.

I have been doing a little look inside about how friendships can be either strong or weak depending on the efforts by both parties.

In the past, i have at times been neglectful of those important friendships and relationships to me.

A few months ago i had a life changing experience and committed to being a better friend.

I find it humourous how my past behaviours have impacted those friendships.

It is painful to lose the people who have been special in the past.  It is my responsibility to focus
on me and be better going forward.

It is important that i nurture the people whom i appreciate and not take anyone for granted.

I don't want to get too preachy, but that also includes GOD.  He has been very good to me and i truly have taken this relationship for granted.

So, here it is, i am writing this and putting it out there for the world to see.  I will appreciate the special relationships of the past, and grow and appreciate those i have now and those i will develop in the future.

How is that for accountability.

Have a great week everyone!

Sunday 15 May 2011

Please pray for the less fortunate

Good Sunday to all.

Today i would like to ask that everyone who reads this pray for those who you know who are going through difficult life moments or illness, or if you are so inclined, do something kind for the people in our lives who are less fortunate. 

While sometimes i may feel like life isn't what i have wanted, my life compared to many is wonderful.  I will be praying for and caring about those who need it.

To all those who make that effort, I pray God will bless you and give you peace, and inspiration to continue to be the best person you can be.

Have a great day!

Saturday 14 May 2011

Looking forward to summer

I feel such good energy when the whether gets warmer.  Summer has been a long time coming and i am so looking forward to the warm temps and the sun.  What is your favorite summer activity?  I love to walk, for miles and miles...Usually, i will have an mp3 player on and listen to my favorite tunes..My top 3 are currently Taylor Swift, 60's monkees, and some very relaxing and uplifting christian music.

I don't know about you, but the nice weather helps clear the mind and relax the body.

Today, it is rainy but warmer, not summer weather yet, but i can feel it coming.

What's up for you this weekend, i'm all ears!

God Bless!

Sunday 8 May 2011

Niagara Falls

I live very close to Niagara Falls and sometimes don't appreciate how fantastic it is.
Not only is is beautiful, but there is a lot of power in those waters..no pun intended.
If you get a chance, I would suggest visiting the falls, both Canadian and American sides.

Mother's Day

A simple appreciation for the moms who always support their children and encourage them.

Thanks for all you do, and we do not forget you even when it is not Mother's Day,

Love, Your kids!

Saturday 7 May 2011

Day before Mothers day

Good day before Mother's day everyone.  Tomorrow, most people will be honouring their mother and deservedly so.  I suggest you surprise your mother today and honestly, every day with a thank you and an 'I love you' to hopefully bring a smile to their face.

I sometimes forget the generosity a mother gives to their children, and it should be told to them often, not just once a year!

I know that sometimes we don't always agree with our mothers, but they are our best supporter and should be appreciated and admired.

To all the moms out there who take the time and give the love, thanks to you, and have a wonderful day today tomorrow and always.

Friday 29 April 2011

Royal Wedding

Congratulations to William and Kate.  Lots of attention for them, but they seem very happy and real.  I hope they can change the monarchy to be more relaxed, but the romance is clearly there for them.  Well done and God Bless.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Love to relax at the coffee shop

I am not sure exactly why, but i love to relax with a hot cup of coffee at the local coffee shop, and as i type this, i am enjoying a cup.  It is nice to not be stressed at the end of a day, especially when i have the next day off, just like i do tomorrow. I am trying to live by the Simple Pleasures motto.

What are you doing to relax and truly enjoy your life, find a passion, a hobby, a distraction and choose a time and embrace it.

We all say we are much too busy, but life is truly a Journey and if you don't slow down a little, it could be wasted.

That is all i have for now, have a fantastic day!

Pet peeves? Hogwash!

Today, nothing is annoying me.

I sit wondering why some days i am very annoyed by the same things which are not bothering me today.

Today i was cut off by a driver, the coffee place spilled coffee almost hitting me, the woman next to me was user he outdoors voice indoors, but today i didn't care.

I am curious, i wish i could have realized this years ago.

It isn't about the events, but how you respond to them.

Today is a good day.

God Bless everyone!

Sunday 24 April 2011

Easter Sunday

First, Thank you lord for forgiving our sins.

We are all trying to find ways to be closer to you.

Thank you for your sacrifice for the world.

Many do not recognize what you have done and are doing each and every day.

I do.

Please bless those who need you on this special day.

Have a wonderful Easter everyone!

Saturday 23 April 2011

My first Blog

On the surface, our lives seen generally good to others, but many, including myself, hide our true self from the world.

Although we should not tell the world our business, i believe we should be as transparent as possible to hold us accountable to the people who care about us. No person should be alone in the world.

This blog will give me the methodology to reach out to others, in combination with Facebook, and Twitter.

I used to love to write short stories, but stopped years ago. It is my hope that this will lead to me writing more frequently.

Be well everyone, thanks for reading my first blog.